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Excel formula to return value of cell in column A based off the relative cell value in column B

I'm working on a spreadsheet that has order number's in column A and the associated dates in column B. I can seem to get a correctly functioning formula that will find the earliest date in column B and return the associated order number from column A.

I've tried using INDEX and VLOOKUP formulas and managed to get it to return a date using =MIN(IF(B$1:B$99,A$1:A$99,"")) but when reversed it only returns the lowest order number.

=MIN(IF(B$1:B$99,A$1:A$99,"")) Returns lowest date or lowest order number.

I need the order number associated with the earliest date

This should do it:


Used sample range for orders A1:A10 and dates B1:B10 . Just change accordingly.

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