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Select doesn't show options

I'm trying to load the options of a select dynamically so I create an array of options which is passed to the select.

The code of the constructor, handle and get data is next:

    this.state = {
        loaded: false,
        selected_season: null,
        seasons: {},
        competitions: {},
        gameday: {}
    this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this);

handleChange = selected_season => {
    this.setState({ selected_season });
    console.log(`Option selected:`, selected_season);

async getData(){
    let params = [{"###id_league###": 1}];
    let seasons = await getDataFromServer(URL_FEB_API, HOMELF1_SEASON, params);
    let gameday = await getDataFromServer(URL_FEB_API, RESULT_GAMEDAY_LF1, params);
        selected_season: seasons["data"]["seasons"][0]["id"],
        seasons: seasons["data"]["seasons"],
        gameday: gameday,
        loaded: true            


And the render function is:

    let gameday = this.state.loaded ? this.state.gameday["data"]["last_game_day"][0] : [];
    let season_options = () => {
        let items = this.state.seasons.map(season => {
                value: season.id,
                label: season.description
        items.map(item => {
        return items;

        <div style = {{marginTop: 15 + 'px'}}>
                (this.state.loaded) ?
                            <Form.Label column md = "1">Temporada</Form.Label>
                            <Col md = "3">
                                <Form.Control as="select" 
                                    controlid = "season"
                                    options = {season_options()}
                                    value = {this.state.selected_season}
                                    onChange = {this.handleChange}
                            <Form.Label column md = "1">Competición</Form.Label>
                            <Col md = "3">
                                <Form.Control as="select" controlid = "season">
                                    <option>Selecciona Competición</option>
                            <Form.Label column md = "1">Jornada</Form.Label>
                            <Col md = "3">
                                <Form.Control as="select" controlid = "season">
                                    <option>Selecciona Jornada</option>
                ""  //If data is not loaded -> Don't do anything!!!

Before to return the array items, I write the content in console to check the content and I've got this:


So, the array is not empty. But in the view I don't load anything in the select.


The, what am I doing wrong? Where is my mistake? I don't understand why my select is not loaded with the conten of the array returned by the function season_options();

Edit I:

I have modified my initial code so insted of return an array of json objects I return an array of strings with the code of each option.

Now, my code in render method is like that:

    let gameday = this.state.loaded ? this.state.gameday["data"]["last_game_day"][0] : [];
    const season_options = () => {
        let items = this.state.seasons.map(season => {
            return("<option value = " + season.id + ">" +  season.description + "</option>");
        items.map(item => {
        return items;

        <div style = {{marginTop: 15 + 'px'}}>
                (this.state.loaded) ?
                            <Form.Label column md = "1">Temporada</Form.Label>
                            <Col md = "3">
                                <Form.Control as="select" 
                                    controlid = "season"
                                    value = {this.state.selected_season}
                                    onChange = {this.handleChange}
                ""  //If data is not loaded -> Don't do anything!!!

And, I check the code of the page I've got this:


All the options appears inside the select, but in the select there is nothing!!!

What's happend? Why the options are not loaded in the select? :S

Edit II (Solution):

Finally, following the advice of BearCoder this is the code of render method which works correctly:

    let gameday = this.state.loaded ? this.state.gameday["data"]["last_game_day"][0] : [];
    const season_options = () => {
        let items = this.state.seasons.map(season => {
            return(<option key = {season.id} value = {season.id}>{season.description}</option>);
        return items;       

    const Header = () => 
        <h4 style={{ borderRadius: '0.25em', textAlign: 'center', color: '#FFFFFF', backgroundColor: '#091e36', padding: '0.5em' }}>
            Liga DIA /  {gameday.name} / Jornada {gameday.num_jornada}

        <div style = {{marginTop: 15 + 'px'}}>
                (this.state.loaded) ?
                            <Form.Label column md = "1">Temporada</Form.Label>
                            <Col md = "3">
                                <Form.Control as="select" 
                                    controlid = "season"
                                    value = {this.state.selected_season}
                                    onChange = {this.handleChange}
                ""  //If data is not loaded -> Don't do anything!!!

Now, how you can see in this screep cap the select is loaded correctly with the data:


The error was to return the options like a string. These options have to been returned without quotes: *return(<option key = {season.id} value = {season.id}>{season.description}</option>)*

Therefore, you've got an array not of strings but *<option key = x value = x>description</option>*

I am not sure if options can be passed as prop. Try to create <option> react elements and use them as children

据我所知,您必须在渲染中包含 return 。

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