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Angular ngStyle inside img tag not updating dynamically

With this template

  <img  src="{{someDynamicImageSrcVar}}" 

After the image is changed and loads, onImageLoad() updates some properties.

getImageStyle() {
  const style = {
    'width.px': this.naturalWidth,
    'height.px': this.naturalHeight
  return style;

The framework calls getImageStyle() which returns a style like

{width: "500px", height: "400px"}

However, the DOM is not updated apart from the first time getImageStyle() was called.

The style never changes from the initial values.

What should I do to make the style update?

ngStyle is work like this

[ngStyle]="{'color': 'blue', 'font-size': '24px', 'font-weight': 'bold'}"

The syntax for ngStyle is this

[ngStyle]="{'width.px':500, 'height.px': 500}"

So change your return object to this structure

{ 'width.px' : 500, 'height.px' : 500}

the code is looks good! if you really returned {width: "500px", height: "400px"} i think you should return the value with single qutation like {width: '500px', height: '400px'}

I hope to help more :)

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