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SwiftUI NavigationButton: How to navigate to different destinations

List(list) { feature in
                NavigationButton(destination: destination)) {
                    ListCell(feature: feature)

I want to navigate to different Views when tapping on row by changing the destination view instead of single View for each row

is there a way to do it?

Yes, there is a way.

This is the main body with a fully dynamic "cell". The tableRow function renders the content of the cell, while the destination function computes the target of the NavigationButton .

   var body: some View {
        List {
           // Renders the table with all the active conversations
           ForEach(appData.currentUser.conversations) { conversation in
                NavigationButton(destination: self.destination(for: conversation) ) { 
                    self.tableRow(for: conversation)

The destination function is very simple, the only "trick" here is the usage of AnyView as a return type.

private func destination (for conversation: Conversation) -> AnyView {
    if conversation.mode == .personal {
        return AnyView(ConversationDetail(conversation: conversation))

    } else if conversation.mode == .groupChat {
        return AnyView(ConversationDetailGroup(conversation: conversation))

    } else {
        return AnyView(ConversationDetailJoin(conversation: conversation))

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