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How to plot multiple lines with several conditions (6*2*3) in R

I am trying to plot this data frame which has total of rows 36 * columns 7: Notes:

There are 6 factors for stim_ending_t= 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5

Three are three repeated conditons:

visbility =1 soundvolume=0 (visbility)
visbility =0 soundvolume=1 (soundvolume)
visbility = 0 soundvolume=0 (this sould be called blank or empty)

date frame name: master_all_r.csv

stim_ending_t visbility soundvolume Opening_text               m     sd coefVar
          <dbl>     <dbl>       <dbl> <chr>                  <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>
1             1         0           0 Now focus on the Image  1.70  1.14    0.670
2             1         0           0 Now focus on the Sound  1.57  0.794   0.504
3             1         0           1 Now focus on the Image  1.62  1.25    0.772
4             1         0           1 Now focus on the Sound  1.84  1.17    0.637
5             1         1           0 Now focus on the Image  3.19 17.2     5.38 
6             1         1           0 Now focus on the Sound  1.59  0.706   0.444 

How the plot should look like: x= Stim_ending_t , y=m

I need three lines in the same plot that satisfy the conditions above while being divided into two groups by = Opening_text. If it possible it can be in one graph, but if not the two groups (Now focus on the Image & Now focus on the Sound) can be split into two separate graphs.

I have tried this code:

ggplot(test_master, aes(x=stim_ending_t, y=m, group=Opening_text, visbility, soundvolume)) +
geom_line(aes(linetype=Opening_text, visbility, soundvolume))+

But got this Warning message: Duplicated aesthetics after name standardisation: this is the result I got here

Ideally, the plot should look like this, but with three lines here . I found these plots here

If you would like to download the excel file, you can find it here under the name master_all_r.csv

I believe you are looking for something like this:



test_master <- read_csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MohJumper/VisualAuditoryModality/master/master_all_r.csv")

test_master %>%
  mutate(visbility_sound = case_when(
           visbility == 1 & soundvolume == 0 ~ "visibility",
           visbility == 0 & soundvolume == 1 ~ "soundvolume",
           visbility == 0 & soundvolume == 0 ~ "empty")) %>% 
  mutate_at(vars(visbility_sound), factor) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = stim_ending_t, y = m, color = visbility_sound)) +
  geom_line(aes(linetype = visbility_sound)) +
  geom_point() +
  facet_wrap(~Opening_text) +

So here's what's happenning:

  • use some simple conditional logic to parse your columns out into a single column
  • convert the new column into a factor column
  • pop into ggplot with the color set by the new marker column
  • tell geom_line to also use this column for linetype
  • separate into two plots with facet_wrap (could also use facet_grid !)
  • set the theme to something easier on the eyes ;)

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