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How to set router meta on vue from api like role array dynamically

I have a dynamic role system which admin can add or delete the role. I search how to add role in vue router in meta as array base on this role access level I am trying to add it via store it not working. How can get roles from API and set it in vue router? maybe I doing the wrong way because I am new to vuejs can any help me out thanks.

I am tried to add vuex store to add router meta but I have roles in store not setting it on the router meta

      name: 'Home',
      component: Home,
      children: [
          path: '/users',
          meta: { label: 'Users', role: store.getters.roles },
          component: Users

``` path: '/',
      name: 'Home',
      component: Home,
      children: [
          path: '/users',
          meta: { label: 'Users', role: ['admin','staf'] },
          component: Users
        }, ```

Because the (non-reactive) routes object is created before the relevant information in the vuex store is present (as most likely your API request isn't yet fulfilled), store.getters.roles is still empty or null. A solution would be to instead put a function in the meta object that can be called whenever the access-system does its role-checking: meta: { roles: () => store.getters.roles } . Simply check against route.meta.roles() upon navigation requests.

Old answer (misinterpreted question)

I am not exactly sure what you're trying to do with the vuex store, but I guess you're trying to keep 'Home' accessible for all roles. What I'd suggest doing is simply removing the role field from these routes (I'd also rename it to roles , as it can be multiple, but that's up to you). Then, to enforce the access-system use something along the lines of:

router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
  const user = yourAuthentication.user
  const lacksRole = to.matched.some(route => {
    return route.meta.roles && !route.meta.roles.includes(user.role)

  if (lacksRole) {
    return next(false)  // Aborts the navigation request

  // Route either doesn't require any role or user has one of the 
  // roles specified in the route meta object, continue navigation

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