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Xcode 11 beta unable to install app on device ending with certificate issue

Tried to build the application to iOS device(any device iPhone X, XS, any OS like 12,13 beta) getting certificate issue.

want to build the app on ios 13 beta OS supported device and debug the issues. I am to build app on simulator. Automatic managing of certificates work fine on Xcode 10.2

should be able to install app on device from Xcode 11 beta for debugging.

Xcode 11 beta certificate issue

xcode 11 beta 图片供参考

Xcode 11 certificates are in a new format. Looking at your screen shot, you seem to have a certificate mismatch: "iOS Developer" is the old format, but "Apple Development" is the new format. If you're going to continue using Automatic Signing, I would suggest deleting all certificates and provisioning profiles and starting over.

Login to developer.apple.com :

  1. Select provisioning profile which has certificate issue

  2. Go to Edit profile

  3. Select the correct certificate (For use in Xcode 11 or later)

  4. Save & Download profile and try to import latest one.

That's it!

Xcode 11 has two new certificates called Apple (instead of iOS and Mac), by default Xcode tries to create the certificate based on your personal team which has a different prefix. I solved the problem by removing all those certs from KeyChain, then head to https://developer.apple.com/account/resources/certificates/add to create both Apple Development and Apple Distribution certificates, then clear the build and run again.

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