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when clicking on page after closing a window opened via window.open the window reopens

I use the following to open a new window:

var win = window.open('URL HERE' , type ,'width=1100,height=500,left=200,top=200');

The reason I assign a variable to it is because it allows me to do other things with the variable such as actions on close (which I am not using in this case).

The window opens just fine. I can do everything I need to do inside the window. But the problem occurs when I close the window: The window closes but reopens automatically when i click anywhere on the parent page.

This happens if I click the browsers "x" on the new window, or even if I click a link that that includes onclick="window.close()" , and it happens every single time I try this. It's not sporadic at all.

What am I missing?

Found it!

Avoid using onchange and onblur together - even though some people post that this fixes some onchange problems that occur on ios devices.

At some point in the past I was dealing with an issue with iphone and ipad not opening a window when running an onchange event. Everyone kept posting about using onblur events on those devices. That didn't fix the problem but I had left an onchange and an onblur event inside the select dropdown by accident not realizing that was what it was doing.

What was happening was that I was running the window.open when the selection changed, and then it was rerunning window.open when the window lost focus which resulted in another window opening when refocusing parent page.

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