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How to make VSCode Intellisense window wider

I have a VSCode extension that helps me autocomplete file paths, however many file paths grow long and are truncated in the VSCode intellisense popover window.

How can I set VSCode to either:

  • have a fixed width that I can set to be large
  • automatically expand to fit the intellisense options (preferable)

I happen to have written the extension so if needed I can update it if that is required.

Another way around this is to press Ctrl + Space (or what ever your "Trigger suggestion" shortcut is) while the suggestion popover is open to show more detail about current selection.

So this (where I can't differentiate between the Trans imported from @lingui/macro and the one from @lingui/react ):


Becomes this:


I don't think this is possible, VSCode generally gives extensions very little control over the built-in UI. See also the Restrictions section of the Extensions Capabilities Overview . Technically there is a way to hack around that , but I wouldn't necessarily recommend it.

There are also a number of settings for the suggest widget, but none of them seems to correspond directly to width. The closest you can get would be reducing the font size with "editor.suggestFontSize" .

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