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Koin Android: org.koin.error.NoBeanDefFoundException when Inject Repository

I make project with mvvm pattern with koin for DI, but i always have No definition found repository

I alredy define repository in module app before viewmodel, but i get some error

Gradle app

// Koin for Android
implementation "org.koin:koin-android:$rootProject.koin_version"
// Koin Android Scope features
implementation "org.koin:koin-androidx-scope:$rootProject.koin_version"
// Koin Android ViewModel features
implementation "org.koin:koin-androidx-viewmodel:$rootProject.koin_version"


val dataModule = module {
single { AppRemoteData() }

single{ AppRepository(get()) as AppDataSource}

// viewmodel
viewModel{ ListHomeViewModel(get()) }
viewModel { LoginViewModel(get()) }

define module

val myAppModule = listOf(appModule, dataModule)

in app

startKoin {

Repository class

class AppRepository(val appRemoteDataSource: AppRemoteData) : AppDataSource {

override fun loginAccount(email: String, password: String) : LiveData<String> {
    val data = MutableLiveData<String>()
        appRemoteDataSource.loginAccount(email,password,object : AppDataSource.LoginCallback{
            override fun onSucces(id: String?) {

            override fun onFailed(message: String?) {

            override fun onFailure(message: String?) {

    return  data


class  AppRemoteData  {
val ref = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference("user")
var auth = FirebaseAuth.getInstance()

 fun loginAccount(email: String, password: String, callback: AppDataSource.LoginCallback) {
    auth.signInWithEmailAndPassword(email, password)
        .addOnCompleteListener {
            task ->

here error message


The error message is telling you that Koin couldn't create a LoginViewModel instance for you, because it would've had to provide an instance of AppRepository during its creation, but you didn't tell it how to do that.

My guess is that you've accidentally used the AppRepository type in the LoginViewModel constructor directly, instead of using your AppDataSource that you've bound the repository instance to in your module.

So if you have something like this, that would require an AppRepository specifically:

class LoginViewModel(val dataSource: AppRepository) : ViewModel()

You should replace it with this, where you're only asking Koin for an AppDataSource , which you did configure it to be able to provide:

class LoginViewModel(val dataSource: AppDataSource) : ViewModel()

if in your ViewModel has an interface as parameter.

class MyViewModel(val interfaceName: InterfaceName) : ViewModel()

In your module definition use singleBy<> Instead of Single().


Finally in for your ViewModel

viewModel { MyViewModel(get()) }

This worked for me in Koin 2.0

Hope it helps :)

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