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The while loop isn't going back to the top

I'm trying to do so that when I insert my name it checks if it has numbers in it (success) and if the name is to long. And once I type the name again it checks it all again. it works with checking the numbers, but it doesn't work with checking if it's to long. Instead, it just continues the code.

print('Hi! Whats your name?')
def nome():
    global pontos
    def hasNumbers(nomezito):
        return any(char.isdigit() for char in nomezito)
        print(nome + 'has numbers')
    def longName(longevidade):
        return len(nome) < 3 or len(nome) > 13
    nome = input().title()
    number = hasNumbers(nome)
    long = longName(nome)
    while number == True or long == True:
        if number == True:
            print('A name cant have any numbers. Please tell me your real name')
            nome = input().title()
            number = hasNumbers(nome)
        elif long == True:
            print('Your name is too long to be real. Please tell me your real name.')
            nome = input().title()
            long = longName(nome)

PS: I translated it from portuguese to english so you can read it better, but I might have made some mistakes. nome()

If the user enters a name with digits, the code enters the if number == True: block. Then when the user enters another name, you calculate number = hasNumbers(nome) , but you don't run nameLongo again. So long is still referencing whether the previous name is too long. You need to call nameLongo in both branches, and hasNumbers in both branches.

def nome():
    global pontos
    def temNumeros(nomezito):
        return any(char.isdigit() for char in nomezito)
        print(nome + 'tem numeros')
    def nomeLongo(longevidade):
        return len(nome) < 3 or len(nome) > 13
    nome = input().title()
    number = temNumeros(nome)
    long = nomeLongo(nome)
    while number == True or long == True:
        if number == True:
            nome = input().title()
            number = temNumeros(nome)
            long = nomeLongo(nome)
        elif long == True:
            print('Too long.')
            nome = input().title()
            number = temNumeros(nome)
            long = nomeLongo(nome)



Too long.

... But ultimately I think it would be easier to call input exactly once in the loop, rather than in each branch of the conditional.

def contains_digits(name):
    return any(char.isdigit() for char in name)

def is_wrong_length(name):
    return len(name) < 3 or len(name) > 13

while True:
    name = input("Name: ")
    if contains_digits(name):
        print("Name can't contain digits.")
    elif is_wrong_length(name):
        print("Name must be between 3 and 13 characters.")
        #name is valid, so exit the loop

print("Welcome,", name)


Name: 123
Name can't contain digits.
Name: ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
Name must be between 3 and 13 characters.
Name: Kevin
Welcome, Kevin
def longName(longevidade):
    return len(longevidade) < 3 or len(longevidade) > 13

you were not putting 'longevidade' as the arguments of len()

EDIT : Here is your problem you were also not updating the value of number and long

print('Hi! Whats your name?')
def nome():
    global pontos
    def hasNumbers(nomezito):
        return any(char.isdigit() for char in nomezito)
        print(nome + 'has numbers')
    def longName(longevidade):
        return len(longevidade) < 3 or len(longevidade) > 13
    nome = input().title()
    number = hasNumbers(nome)
    long = longName(nome)
    while number == True or long == True:
        if number == True:
            print('A name cant have any numbers. Please tell me your real name')
            nome = input().title()
            number = hasNumbers(nome)
            long = longName(nome)
        elif long == True:
            print('Your name is too long to be real. Please tell me your real name.')
            nome = input().title()
            long = longName(nome)
            number = hasNumbers(nome)

If a while loop didn't play again that means the statement you given for it isn't correct

Your statement is

while number == True or long == True:

so it only ran once because the second run after the loop all of your statements

number == True 

and this statement

long == True

is not working . What I suggest is you run each statement separately and see which one is working this way you can solve the issue

or create function for each like

def number():
    if number == True:
        print('A name cant have any numbers. Please tell me your real name')
        nome = input().title()
        number = hasNumbers(nome)

def long():
    if long == True:
        print('Your name is too long to be real. Please tell me your real name.')
        nome = input().title()
        long = longName(nome)

while True:

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