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Handling input change depending on the number of key value pairs

Suppose we have this form right here full of key values pairs (ie in this case)

const data = {
  maxPosts: 9999999,
  key: "value"

However there can be more key-value pairs and hence more inputs in the picture below.

What is a good way of handling the input change depending on the data given? Because I cannot hardcode all the input handlers like such (as the inputs are dependent on the KV Pairs):

      changeKey1: function (event) {
        // change state
      changeVal1: function (event) {
        // Change State
      changeKey2: function (event) {
        // Change State

Ultimately the user will be editing these values and then press submit to confirm their edit changes. Is there anyway of doing this with React Hooks?


Yes, here is a simple example of managing N states.

const generateNValues = N => [...Array(N).keys()];

function TextAreaManager() {
  const [valuesManager, setValuesManager] = useState(generateNValues(10));
  return (
      {valuesManager.map((value, i) => (
          onChange={e => {
            valuesManager[i] = e.target.value;
        onClick={() =>
        Reset All

编辑操作系统Q 556724228-管理动态表单状态

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