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Fontawesome license throwing error while installing using npm

As per fontawesome's documentation I am trying to install pro version of fontawesome 5. I have created a .npmrc file where licence and registry have been mentioned.

Now I am trying to run npm install --save-dev @fortawesome/fontawesome-pro . It is throwing error Bearer token value is not a legal HTTP header value. I have attached a snapshot for the same. 错误快照

Adding folder structure:



You can try other methods to verify if auth toke is right then you can use the per project method as stated in the official documentation . Which says

Access to the Pro packages, which contain more icons and styles, require you to configure the @fortawesome scope to use our Pro NPM registry.

Pro packages are part of the extra services that you get with a Pro subscription. Get access to them, a ton more icons in different styles, other services, and dedicated support.

Global Set Up - Globally set these values so it works in any project:

 npm config set "@fortawesome:registry" https://npm.fontawesome.com/ && \\ npm config set "//npm.fontawesome.com/:_authToken" TOKEN 

Per-Project - If you'd prefer a per-project setting (great for teams and CI/CD), create a .npmrc file in the root of your project (or where you have your package.json file):

 @fortawesome:registry=https://npm.fontawesome.com/ //npm.fontawesome.com/:_authToken=TOKEN 

After that configuration, you can install the latest Pro version of Font Awesome via npm or yarn:

 npm install --save-dev @fortawesome/fontawesome-pro yarn add --dev @fortawesome/fontawesome-pro 

Environment variables - You can also leverage NPM's environment variables replacing:

 @fortawesome:registry=https://npm.fontawesome.com/ //npm.fontawesome.com/:_authToken=${FONTAWESOME_NPM_AUTH_TOKEN} FONTAWESOME_NPM_AUTH_TOKEN=TOKEN npm install --save-dev @fortawesome/fontawesome-pro 

Make sure the file is in the root project directory. Here's an issue related to what you're getting . From this

It might help not to mistake a license key for a token :-) Thx.

Changing npm cache location path also could help you fix it. npm config set cache C:\\Dev\\nodejs\\npm-cache --global or consider deleting npm cache .

The message can be a bit misleading. This error can occur if your token is very old (I've had this happen a few times myself)

Try to regenerate your _auth_token from the fontawesome page :


If you don't mind a global token (if you do not work with several licenses) , you can enable the Pro license globally like so:

#: npm config set "@fortawesome:registry" https://npm.fontawesome.com/

#: npm config set "//npm.fontawesome.com/:_authToken" TOKEN_GOES_HERE

If you work with for instance docker containers, a better solution is to set environment variables like so:

#: FONTAWESOME_NPM_AUTH_TOKEN=YOUR_TOKEN_GOES_HERE npm install --save @fortawesome/fontawesome-pro

or set the .npmrc file with:


But try to regenerate the token and re-run your commands.

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