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I need help using mutable reference in different functions

I am learning rust so some things might seem obvious and easy but I can't understand some things.

I need to have income and expenses variables to change their value, usually I would use a static variable and assign value in an unsafe block.

Here is the code:

fn expense_sum(expense_list: &Vec<u64>, expenses: &mut u64) {
    expenses = &mut (expense_list.iter().sum());

fn prompt_expense(expense_list: &mut Vec<u64>, expense_name: &mut Vec<String>, expenses: &mut u64) {
    let expense_input: u64 = 1;

    let expense_name1: String = "test1".to_string();


    expense_sum(&expense_list, expenses);
    println!("Total user expenses: {}", expenses);

fn main() {
    let mut expense_list: Vec<u64> = Vec::new();
    let mut expense_name: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
    let mut expenses: u64;

    loop {
        prompt_expense(&mut expense_list, &mut expense_name, &mut expenses);
        // USe income and expenses here for analysis

I've tested in many ways, but I could not get to pass succesfully the variables to expense_sum and income_sum

This is mostly correct; they only real issue preventing it from building is here:

fn expense_sum(expense_list: &Vec<u64>, expenses: &mut u64) {
    expenses = &mut (expense_list.iter().sum());

This syntax tries to assign the reference, instead of modifying the actual value referred. You need to dereference and then simply assign:

*expenses = expense_list.iter().sum();

That being said, this is bad practice. It's much better to simply return the value using... the return value of the function:

fn expense_sum(expense_list: &Vec<u64>) -> u64 {

That way the code is shorter and much readable, and you avoid all the unnecessary reference handling. You'll need to modify your prompt_expense function in a similar manner.

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