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How to access the `Alice` account on a Parity Substrate developer chain?

The Substrate Collectables Workshop suggests at some point that the developer chain comes with a prefunded account for Alice .

Let's go into the Transfer app, and make a transaction. The default account named "Alice" is pre-funded with a ton of Units .

However, connecting Polkadot-JS to my local --dev chain does not come with an account; also the Transfer app is not visible.


What's the mnemonic seed for the Alice account or how to recover that account? Is there any way?

As mentioned in this post , the seed for Alice is //Alice , however, it's important to select the raw seed option and not the mnemonic seed.

原始种子是 //Alice。

Note, make sure to select the Schnorrkel cryptography sr25519 , not Edwards ed25519 . The same works for //Bob

查看基板众所周知的密钥以获取 Alice 和 Bob 的原始秘密种子

If the dev accounts are not pre-populating in the UI check out my answer to this question: Where are accounts located in substrate-node-template?

In chain_spec.rs make sure you set your chain type to Development or Local.

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