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Autofill not populating until last row

I am trying to populate the date and have it populate the column until the last row of data. However it doesn't seem to populate to the last line of data and I don't understand why. What is wrong with my code?

Sub updatedate()
lastRow = Range("F" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Range("F2:F" & lastRow) = Date
Range("F2:F" & lastRow).Style = "Normal"
Range("F2:F" & lastRow).Value = Format(Date, "yyyymmdd")

End Sub

the date in format yyyymmdd to be updated and populated on each row until last in column F

The problem is on the line

lastRow = Range("F" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

If you change "F" to "A" (or any other suitable column) it will work better. The last used cell in the F column is not yet used.

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