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Set a cookie on using wp_login() hook

Im trying to set a cookie when my user logs into WP.

Im using the wp_login hook like so:

add_action('wp_login', array($this, 'knp_aci_login_check'), 1, 2);

And my cookie function:

public function knp_aci_login_check( $user_login, $user ) {
    $contact = $this->request->api_connect('contacts?filters[email]='.$user_login, 'GET');

    if (wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $contact ) == 200) {
        setcookie('ac-status', 'true', 365 * DAY_IN_SECONDS, '/', get_site_url());

My cookie, just never saves.

Have you tried setting the cookie without the condition? Maybe it's not the setcookie, but that if statement is returning false.

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