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How to get predicted value in Tensorflow.js

I am trying build predictive system into a MERN app. I am new to Tensorflow and just followed this tutorial which gets relation between Horsepower and Miles per gallon.


I've not understood how to utilize this to get a predicted value. How do I enter a horsepower in input field and get predicted MPG.

const xs = tf.linspace(0, 1, 100);      
  const preds = model.predict(xs.reshape([100, 1]));  

The above line is used to plot range of horsepower from low to high I guess. But how do I get a predicted value for entered value?

Please help

Given the model, the features are a 2d dimensional data.

If you have an input field value, you can find its prediction by using

const tensor = model.predict(tf.tensor([valueOfInput], [1, 1]))
// Get the value
const value = tensor.dataSync()[0]

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