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How to use RStudio to write R Markdown files with Stata graphs?

The code below works for Stata commands and output but does not produce the graphs:

title: "Stata and R Markdown (Windows)"
author: "Doug Hemken"
date: "July 2015"
toc: yes

```{r, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE}
statapath <- "/Applications/Stata/StataSE.app/Contents/MacOS/stata-se"
opts_chunk$set(engine="stata", engine.path=statapath, comment="")

### Descriptive Statistics
A simple example.

sysuse auto

sysuse auto
twoway (scatter mpg weight)

Note that this is a follow-up of this question:

You need to export the graph and include an image link in the R Markdown as follows:

```{stata, echo=1, results="hide"}
twoway (scatter mpg weight)
graph export "myscatter.svg", replace

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