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Jquery not detect click after append of element

i've made a sortable list with html5sortable library, where user have a category, where can add products inside, and can add other categories where to add products too.

The first one category is already displayed, and work fine when adding products, but if I add another category I can't add product on this category.

I've tried with "on" method instead of "click", as it should work on element created dinamically, but I think I'm using it in the wrong way.

Here is the HTML

<div class="container-categorie">
    <div class="category" id="categoria-1"> 
        <input type="text" class="input-categoria" placeholder="NAME CATEGORY" autofocus="autofocus">
        <div class="list" id="list-1">
        //products will be added here
        <div class="item-products add-product-container">
            <div align="center" class="add-product-btn" id="addproduct-1">
            + add product
    <div class="add-categoria-container">
    Nuova categoria

And here is the js code:

var i = 2;

$(".categoria").on('click', function() {
//to delegate the click I applied this event to "add product" button's container

//This add a product inside category div
$(".add-product-btn").click(function() {
        var id_btn = $(this).attr("id");
        var single_id = id_btn.substring(id_btn.indexOf("-") + 1);
        $("#list-"+single_id).append('<div class="item-products">prova</div>');

//This should add a new category inside "container-categorie", with an "add product"
//button inside, to add products inside this new category

$(".add-categoria-container").click(function() {
        $(".sortable-categorie").append('<div class="categoria"><input type="text" class="input-categoria" placeholder="NOME CATEGORIA PRODOTTI" autofocus="autofocus"><div class="list" id="list-'+i+'"></div><div class="item-products add-product-container"><div align="center" class="add-product-btn" id="addproduct-'+i+'">+ Aggiungi prodotto</div></div></div>');

Jquery can't listen to dynamically generated Elements directly, what you can do is you can provide parent element which is already there in DOM listen to them.

$("element which is already in DOM").on('click',"element to listen to", function() {
    //Code here

$(".container-categorie").on('click',".categoria", function() {
//Code here

or you can directly listen to the body instead, but it is not preferable.

For Ref : https://api.jquery.com/on/#on-events-selector-data-handler

Try this

$(document).on('click',".your_class_name", function() {
//to delegate the click I applied this event to "add product" button's container

JQuery has no virtual DOM like Angular or React. That means JQ can't "see" the dynamically generated element. What you can do is using a onclick="functionYouWantToTrigger(someParameters)" directly in the HTML tag.

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