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Active Directory running user creation VBS outside of server doesnt grant groupmembership

my problem is: when i run my user creation script at my server, it works fine, a user gets created and has a membership (according to a .txt file)

when i run that same script outside of my server, the user gets created but doesnt have memberships

when i run that same script as admin outside of my server, the user gets created but doesnt have memberships

so this is the relevant code that adds memberships:

Dim fso, f, Row, Field
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f = fso.OpenTextFile ("\\some\folder\user.txt",1,0)

Do while not f.AtEndOfLine
Row = f.readLine
Field = split(Row,",")
Username = Field(0)
Group = Field(1)
Lastname = Field(2)
Password = Field(3)
ScriptP = Field(4)
Project = Field(5)
Call UserCreation(Username,Group,Lastname,Password,ScriptP)


Sub UserCreation (Username,Group,Lastname,Password,ScriptP)
Dim ouo, b
Set ouo = GetObject("LDAP://OU=abcOU,DC=my,DC=domain")
Set b = ouo.Create("user", "CN=" & Group & " " & Lastname)
Dim WshShell, ret
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
b.Put "sAMAccountName", Username
b.Put "userPrincipalName", Username & "@my.domain"
b.Put "scriptPath", ScriptP
b.SetPassword Password
b.AccountDisabled = False

cmdbegin = "cmd /C dsmod group"
CN = "CN=TN_" & Project & ",OU=projectOU,DC=my,DC=domain" 
oudc = "OU=abcOU,DC=my,DC=domain"
cmdmid = "-addmbr"
grpadd = cmdbegin & " " & AddQuotes(CN) & " " & cmdmid & " " & AddQuotes("CN=" & Group & " " & Lastname & "," & oudc) & " >>\\some\folder\log.txt"
WshShell.Run grpadd

that log.txt just adds a row like this at completion:

dsmod was successful:CN=TN_Test,OU=projectOU,DC=my,DC=domain

The root of the problem is likely that dsmod is not installed on the computer you're running this from, since the documentation says that it is only installed by default on domain controllers. That can be confirmed by just running dsmod from the command line.

But that also seems like the hard way to do it. You can replace everything from the cmdbegin line to the end with this:

Set group = GetObject("LDAP://CN=TN_" & Project & ",OU=projectOU,DC=my,DC=domain")

The group variable will be a IADsGroup object, so you can use its Add method to add the user.

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