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Only part of the response is retrieved at the ionic 4 front-end

I am sending an http GET request from ionic to a NodeJS server using tokens. I get a message that data has been successfully retrieved. However, the data property of the response is not sent to the frontend and is assigned to undefined when i try to log it in the console. Here is the code for my ionic request:

 getPoints() {
    var headers = new Headers();
    headers.append("Authorization", "Bearer " + this.getAuthorizationToken());
    headers.append("Content-Type", "application/json");
   return this.http
      .get(environment.apiUrl + "/user/getCurrentPoints", {
      .map(res => res.json());

This is the code inside an ionic component where I am calling the GET method in the constructor:

    ease: RoundProgressEase,
    private _router: Router,
    private formB: FormBuilder,
    private _authService: AuthService
  ) {
    for (let prop in ease) {
      if (prop.toLowerCase().indexOf("ease") > -1) {
    this._authService.getPoints().subscribe((res: any) => {
      console.log("data points", res);

Also here is the endpoint at the backend:


Here is the middleware isAuthenticated:

  var isAuthenticated = function(req, res, next) {
      var token = req.headers["authorization"];
      token = req.headers.authorization.split("Bearer ")[1];
      if (!token) {
        return res.status(401).json({
          error: null,
          msg: "You have to login first before you can access your lists.",
          data: null
      jwt.verify(token, req.app.get("secret"), function(err, decodedToken) {
        if (err) {
          return res.status(401).json({
            error: err,
            msg: "Login timed out, please login again.",
            data: null
        req.decodedToken = decodedToken;

Finally, this is the userCtrl.getCurrentPoints controller method:

module.exports.getCurrentPoints = function(req, res, next) {
  console.log("accessed get current points");
  if (!Validations.isString(req.decodedToken.user.username)) {
    return res.status(422).json({
      err: null,
      msg: "type parameter must be a valid String.",
      data: null
  User.find({ username: req.decodedToken.user.username }).exec(function(
  ) {
    if (err) {

      return next(err);
      err: null,
      msg: "Current user points retrieved successfully.",
      data: user.points

This is the response i get

{err: null, msg: "Current user points retrieved successfully."}

The user schema

const mongoose = require('mongoose');
var Voucher = mongoose.Schema.Types.Voucher;

const userSchema = mongoose.Schema({
  username: {
    type: String,
    required: true,
    trim: true,
    lowercase: true

  password: {
    type: String,
    required: true,
    trim: true
  name: {
    type: String,
    required: true,
    trim: true
  region: {
    type: String,
    required: true,
    trim: true,
  building: {
    type: Number,
    required: true,
    min: 0
  points: {
    type: Number,
    required: false,
    min: 0
  vouchers: {
    type: [Voucher],
    required: false,

  createdAt: {
    type: Date,
    default: Date.now
  updatedAt: Date

mongoose.model('User', userSchema);

What you get from backend? err or data? First check that your request gets the backend api. Second I saw that you checked for lower-case authorization in middle ware; maybe that's where things go wrong. Third maybe the user has no points at all and by default the null field is eliminated from the response.

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