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How to get the value of a variable within an html tag in flask?

I am building an app using Flask to show nearby shops, and the user can like a shop so it can be added to their liked shops list.

My question is how can i get the value inside the <h4> tag sent to Python knowing that the name attribute is a variable. The html code is below:

<form name='likeF' method='POST' action ='{{url_for("liked")}}'>
    <h4 name="ShopName_{{loop.index}}">{{item.ShopName}}</h4>
       Shop Description : {{item.ShopDesc}} <br>        
       <button type="submit"  class="success button like">Like</button>
       distance: {{item.ShopDistance}}

So please how am I supposed to get back the value of {{item.ShopName}} ?

You can't send the text inside an <h4> tag (or any tag that is not a form input) back to the server, at least not without using Javascript. The easiest method would be to duplicate it in a hidden input element inside the form, such as:

<input type="hidden" name="ShopName" value="{{ item.ShopName }}">

Then you can access it using request.form["ShopName"] .

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