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Code injecting into merged-manifest with Gradle plugin of android project

I tried to code injecting into "merged-manifest" file(app/build/intermediates/merged_manifests/../AndroidManifest.xml) because I have a library and I want to not appear for the developer.

I wrote a Gradle script and I execute this script after each task(just for testing).

Although, I can see my code is injected correctly but in the apk there is not any change.

Part of my script:

gradle.taskGraph.afterTask {
task ->
        def manifestPath = "${buildDir.path}/intermediates/merged_manifests/${getCurrentFlavorAndBuildType()}/AndroidManifest.xml"
        def manifestFile = new File(manifestPath)
        if (manifestFile.exists()) {
            def manifestContent = manifestFile.getText()
            manifestContent = manifestContent.replaceAll("com.example", android.defaultConfig.applicationId)
            def fos = new FileOutputStream(manifestFile.getPath())


Finally, My script is working well:

applicationVariants.all { variant ->
        variant.outputs.each { output ->
            output.processManifest.doLast {
                def manifestPath = "${buildDir.path}/intermediates/merged_manifests/${getCurrentFlavorAndBuildType()}/AndroidManifest.xml"
                def manifestFile = new File(manifestPath)
                if (manifestFile.exists()) {
                    def manifestContent = manifestFile.getText()
                    manifestContent = manifestContent.replaceAll("com.example", android.defaultConfig.applicationId)
                    def fos = new FileOutputStream(manifestFile.getPath())


I should execute my script into these blocks:

applicationVariants.all { variant ->
        variant.outputs.each { output ->
            output.processManifest.doLast {
         // something

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