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jQuery dynamically set href value of an anchor to the href value of another anchor using their class names

I have a dynamically generating search listing page on hubspot based on search term queries.

The HTML structure is as follows:

<div class="search-listing">
  a class="hs-search-results__title" href="www.something.com"><img src="Some image"></a>
  <a class="more-link">Read More</a>

Now the page has a few of these .search-listing divs. I want the href of the more-link inside each .search-listing take the value of the href in the hs-search-results__title link of each search-listing.

This is the code that is used to give the value to the hs-search-results__title in the first place. Maybe this would be of help?


<div class="hs-search-results2">
  <template class="hs-search-results__template">
        <div class="hs-search-results__featured-image">
          <a href="#"><img src=""></a>

      <a href="#" class="hs-search-results__title">Content Title</a>
      <p class="hs-search-results__description">Description</p>
        <a class="more-link" href="#" style="color: #FFF!important">Read More</a>
  <ul id="hsresults" class="hs-search-results__listing"></ul>
  <div class="hs-search-results__pagination" data-search-path="{{ site_settings.content_search_results_page_path }}">
    <a href="" class="hs-search-results__prev-page"></a>
    <a href="" class="hs-search-results__next-page"></a>
 var hsResultsPage = function(_resultsClass) { function buildResultsPage(_instance) { var resultTemplate = _instance.querySelector('.hs-search-results__template'), resultsSection = _instance.querySelector('.hs-search-results__listing'), searchPath = _instance.querySelector('.hs-search-results__pagination').getAttribute('data-search-path'), prevLink = _instance.querySelector('.hs-search-results__prev-page'), nextLink = _instance.querySelector('.hs-search-results__next-page'); var searchParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search.slice(1)); function getTerm() { return searchParams.get('term') || ""; } function getOffset() { return parseInt(searchParams.get('offset')) || 0; } function getLimit() { return parseInt(searchParams.get('limit')); } function addResult(title, url, description, featuredImage) { var newResult = document.importNode(resultTemplate.content, true); function isFeaturedImageEnabled() { if (newResult.querySelector('.hs-search-results__featured-image img')) { return true; } } newResult.querySelector('.hs-search-results__title').innerHTML = title; newResult.querySelector('.hs-search-results__title').href = url; newResult.querySelector('.hs-search-results__featured-image a').href = url; newResult.querySelector('.hs-search-results__description').innerHTML = description; if (typeof featuredImage !== 'undefined' && isFeaturedImageEnabled()) { newResult.querySelector('.hs-search-results__featured-image img').src = featuredImage; } resultsSection.appendChild(newResult); } function fillResults(results) { results.results.forEach(function(result, i){ addResult(result.title, result.url, result.description, result.featuredImageUrl); }); } function emptyPagination() { prevLink.innerHTML = ""; nextLink.innerHTML = ""; } function emptyResults(searchedTerm) { resultsSection.innerHTML = "<div class=\\"hs-search__no-results\\"><p>Sorry. There are no results for \\"" + searchedTerm + "\\"</p>" + "<p>Try rewording your query, or browse through our site.</p></div>"; } function setSearchBarDefault(searchedTerm) { var searchBars = document.querySelectorAll('.hs-search-field__input'); Array.prototype.forEach.call(searchBars, function(el){ el.value = searchedTerm; }); } function httpRequest(term, offset) { var SEARCH_URL = "/_hcms/search?", requestUrl = SEARCH_URL + searchParams + "&analytics=true", request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.open('GET', requestUrl, true); request.onload = function() { if (request.status >= 200 && request.status < 400) { var data = JSON.parse(request.responseText); setSearchBarDefault(data.searchTerm); if (data.total > 0) { fillResults(data); paginate(data); } else { emptyResults(data.searchTerm); emptyPagination(); } } else { console.error('Server reached, error retrieving results.'); } }; request.onerror = function() { console.error('Could not reach the server.'); }; request.send(); } function paginate(results) { var updatedLimit = getLimit() || results.limit; function hasPreviousPage() { return results.page > 0; } function hasNextPage() { return results.offset <= (results.total - updatedLimit); } if (hasPreviousPage()) { var prevParams = new URLSearchParams(searchParams.toString()); prevParams.set('offset', (results.page * updatedLimit) - parseInt(updatedLimit)); prevLink.href = "/" + searchPath + "?" + prevParams; prevLink.innerHTML = "&lt; Previous page"; } else { prevLink.parentNode.removeChild(prevLink); } if (hasNextPage()) { var nextParams = new URLSearchParams(searchParams.toString()); nextParams.set('offset', (results.page * updatedLimit) + parseInt(updatedLimit)); nextLink.href = "/" + searchPath + "?" + nextParams; nextLink.innerHTML = "Next page &gt;"; } else { nextLink.parentNode.removeChild(nextLink); } } var getResults = (function() { if (getTerm()) { httpRequest(getTerm(), getOffset()); } else { emptyPagination(); } })(); } (function() { var searchResults = document.querySelectorAll(_resultsClass); Array.prototype.forEach.call(searchResults, function(el){ buildResultsPage(el); }); })(); } if (document.attachEvent ? document.readyState === "complete" : document.readyState !== "loading"){ var resultsPages = hsResultsPage('.hs-search-results2'); } else { document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { var resultsPages = hsResultsPage('.hs-search-results2'); }); }

You can loop through all the search-listing and find the corresponding element inside of the element to get/set the attribute.

Try the following way:

 $('.search-listing').each(function(){ var searchHref = $(this).find('.hs-search-results__title').attr('href'); $(this).find('.more-link').attr('href', searchHref) });
 a img{ width:25px; height: auto; border: 1px solid gray; }
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.2.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <div class="search-listing"> <a class="hs-search-results__title" href="https://stackoverflow.com/"><img src="https://cdn.sstatic.net/Sites/stackoverflow/company/img/logos/so/so-icon.png?v=c78bd457575a"></a> <a class="more-link">Read More</a> </div> <div class="search-listing"> <a class="hs-search-results__title" href="https://google.com/"><img src="https://cdn4.iconfinder.com/data/icons/new-google-logo-2015/400/new-google-favicon-512.png"></a> <a class="more-link">Read More</a> </div>

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