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I am getting some error when building my angular universal app with npm run build:prerender

i am trying to build my angular universal app using npm run build:prerender but i am seeing two errors here.


  1. It complains of not seeing the rout path i set as "**" for null page
  2. It displaying this below error too .

    binding.copyFile(src, dest, flags); ^ Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, copyfile 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\naipod4\\dist\\browser\\assets' -> 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\naipod4\\dist\\static\\assets'

please what should i do, i am stuck here for almost one week now

I had this same error when I upgraded node to > v8

  binding.copyFile(src, dest, flags);

The solution was to upgrade my npm packages using npm audit fix I am not sure which of the many packages upgraded solved the problem

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