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Vue.js transition problems

I'm currently creating app that should contain loginView, homeView and a v-app-bar that is outside router so it can be used on every page except loginView.

I wanted do add some nice transitions to it, but I have problem with app bar. Router view has smooth transition, but v-app-bar seems to have some hardcoded transitions inside itself and no prop to give it custom one. How can I force it to use my custom transition?

 <v-app id="app"> 
  <v-content class="app-main">
    <transition name="fade" mode="out-in">
      <v-app-bar v-if='this.$router.currentRoute.name != "loginView"' color="indigo darken-2" dark>
     <transition name="fade" mode="out-in">
       <router-view class="view"/>
     <c-alert-bar class="alert"/>

OK, I resolved transition problem, without actually resolving the real problem, but making a workaround:

  1. I deleted v-app-bar from App.vue
  2. I created additional route between loginView and homeView
  3. I made homeView a child of this additional route and put v-app-bar inside (so this intermediate route has v-app-bar and router-view inside)
  4. I gave the same transitions to main router-view and this new internal router-view
  5. From loginView I move directly to homeView, BUT homeView being child of this intermediate route drags his parent together with himself so I have v-app-bar from his parent and content of homeView below, and everything moves according to given transitions

From user point of view literally nothing changed because I move from "/" to "/home" just like before. Only difference is that all the new pages that fit under v-app-bar will have to be added as children of this intermediate-ghost-page because without it v-app-bar won't be dragged from there. But actually to be honest it's not even a bad thing, because it will force me to group pages under certain parent, so code won't be as messed up later on.

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