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Node.js Writable Stream Finish Not Firing In Class

I am trying to create a CSV class that can be used inside other scripts in my application. When the CSV class is instantiated, it creates a writable stream to a file specified by the user. The write and destroy methods seem to work, but I can't figure out how to get the 'writeEnd' member on the class to execute once the data has finished writing to the file.

The 'writeEnd' member variable is a function that should be overridden by the user. For example, here is a file where I am testing out the classes functionality, and overriding 'writeEnd' to be a function of my own choosing.

PS Please see the question in bold at the bottom!

const CSV = require('./shared/classes/csv');
const csv = new CSV(__dirname);

csv.writeEnd = () => {

for (let i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
  csv.write('Hello World.');

I was hoping for 'Finished!' to be logged to the console, but the function does not fire at all. I hope I am doing something wrong that someone can catch pretty easily.

For your reference, here is the class file untouched:

const { createWriteStream } = require('fs');
const { Readable } = require('stream');

 * @class CSV
module.exports = class CSV {
  constructor(path) {
    this.readStream = new Readable({ read() {} });
    this.writeStream = createWriteStream(`${path}/csv/data.csv`);

    this.writeEnd = () => {};

   * @method write
   * @param {any} data
  write(data) {

   * @method destroy
  destroy() {

Below, is one of my failed attempts:

 * @class CSV
module.exports = class CSV {
  constructor(path) {
    this.readStream = new Readable({ read() {} });
    this.writeStream = createWriteStream(`${path}/csv/data.csv`);

    // I'm wondering if this executes immediately because no writing is taking place
    // during instantiation
    this.writeStream.on('finish', this.writeEnd);
    this.writeEnd = () => {};

   * @method write
   * @param {any} data
  write(data) {

   * @method destroy
  destroy() {

I am wondering if I need to actually listen for the very first time the readStream gets data pushed to it, then set the 'finish' callback?

The problem is that the custom/overriden writeEnd-method is never called, since the event-emitter keeps a reference to the original handler, ie the function you set in your constructor: this.writeEnd = () => {};

The easiest way is to allow to pass a callback function to the constructor of the CSV -class and use this as a finish -handler. Consider this simple example:

const EventEmitter = require("events").EventEmitter;

class CSV {

    constructor(customWriteEndCb) {
        this.writeEnd = () => {
            console.log("in original writeEnd");
        this.writeEnd = customWriteEndCb || this.writeEnd;
        this.writeStream = new EventEmitter();
        this.writeStream.on('finished', this.writeEnd);

    testMe() {


const customWriteEnd = () => {
    console.log("in custom writeEnd")

const csv = new CSV(customWriteEnd);
csv.testMe(); // will print "in custom writeEnd"

Correct me if I'm wrong but here is a minimal working example:

const { createWriteStream } = require('fs');

class CSV {
  constructor(path) {
    this.writeStream = createWriteStream(`${path}/csv/data.csv`);
    this.writeEnd = () => {};
  write(data) {
  end() {
    this.writeStream.on('finish', this.writeEnd)  

const csv = new CSV(__dirname);
csv.writeEnd = () => console.log('Finished')
for (let i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
  csv.write('Hello World.');

I removed the readable stream that I find unnecessary, and the destroy shouldn't be called.

Use end() instead of destroy if data should flush before close


You can see a Finished at the end.

I'm not sure why are you using classes here, anyway:

const fs = require('fs');

class CSV
    constructor(path) {
        this._ws = fs.createWriteStream(`${path}/csv/data.csv`);

    write(data) {

    close() {
        const _this = this;
        return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
            _this._ws.once('finish', resolve);
            _this._ws.once('error', reject);

async function main()
    const csv = new CSV('path1');

    for (let i = 0; i < 1000000; ++i) {
        csv.write(`chunk ${i}`);

    await csv.close();


function panic(error)

// https://stackoverflow.com/a/46916601/1478566
main().catch(panic).finally(clearInterval.bind(null, setInterval(a=>a, 1E9)));

And the following is approach without classes:

const fs = require('fs');

async function main()
    const ws = fs.createWriteStream('a.txt');

    for (let i = 0; i < 1000000; ++i) {
        ws.write(`chunk ${i}\n`);


    await promise_from_stream(ws);


function panic(error)

function promise_from_stream(stream)
     * https://stackoverflow.com/a/34310963/1478566
     * > end and finish are the same event BUT on different types of
     * > Streams.
     * >   * stream.Readable fires ONLY end and NEVER finish
     * >   * stream.Writable fires ONLY finish and NEVER end
    return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
        stream.once('end', resolve);
        stream.once('finish', resolve);
        stream.once('error', reject);

// https://stackoverflow.com/a/46916601/1478566
main().catch(panic).finally(clearInterval.bind(null, setInterval(a=>a, 1E9)));

So it was through a group effort of different answers and comments that landed me on a simple solution! Thank you very much to everyone who took the time to share their advice.

I removed the readable stream, as that was completely unnecesssary, and simply used the write method on the writable stream. I also pass a callback function to the constructor upon instantiation.

Here is my final code:

const { createWriteStream } = require('fs');

 * @class CSV
module.exports = class CSV {
  constructor(path, cb) {
    this.writeStream = createWriteStream(`${path}/csv/data.csv`);
    this.writeStream.on('finish', cb);

   * @method write
   * @param {any} data
  write(data) {

   * @method end
  end() {

And the test file:

const CSV = require('./shared/classes/csv');
const csv = new CSV(__dirname, cb);

function cb() {
  console.log('You win sir.');

for (let i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
  csv.write('Hello World.');


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