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I'm trying to create a discord.js command that grabs a line from a json file and then sends it in a users DM

So i have a discord bot that generates keys, which you can redeem by a command. I want a command that grabs a line from a keys.txt and dms the sender of the command.

I have tried doing it myself, without any luck. I'm not that familiar with javascript so it's hard for me.

I don't have any code yet.

I expect it to DM the sender of the command the key that it grabbed from the keys.json

Reading and handling the file...

const fs = require('fs');  // Included in Node.js

const keysPath = './keys.txt'; // Change to the relative path of the txt file

try {
  // The next line reads the file and returns an array containing each line
  const keys = fs.readFileSync(keysPath).replace(/\r/g, '').split(/\n/);
} catch(err) {

Sending and handling a key...

message.author.send(`Here's your key: ||${keys[0]}||`)
  .then(() => {
    keys.splice(0, 1); // Removes the first key that was just given out

    try {
      fs.writeFileSync(keys.join('\n')); // Puts the updated 'keys' array back into the file
    } catch(err) {

Get a line from a txt file

For this you need "line-reader". Install it with npm i line-reader .

const lineReader = require("line-reader")

lineReader.eachLine("path/to/file.txt", (line) => {

 // This will be executed for each line in the file


Send a direct message to a user who executed a command

// client is your Discord.Client()

client.on("message", (message) => {

 if (message.content === "YOUR_COMMAND") {




Full code

const lineReader = require("line-reader")

var keys = []

lineReader.eachLine("path/to/file.txt", (line) => {



client.on("message", (message) => {

 if (message.content === "YOUR_COMMAND") {

  message.author.send("Key: " + keys[0]) // This will send the user the first key/line in the list.



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