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How to set uiview background and uiimageview to be centered, scaled to fill and masked to bounds?

Hello I am working on feed and I am facing issues with displaying images correctly. The issue is with first two UITableViewCells , that get displayed after tableView loads. The remaining cells load correctly. The code is mention below that I am using to display the images.

Following are some screenshots of the issue.





//Code to add Image. 
//Code written in configurecell() 

let imageURL = URL(string: ForFeed.image_url)
    let media = UIImageView(frame: mediaView.bounds)
    media.downloaded(from: imageURL!)
    media.contentMode = UIViewContentMode.scaleAspectFill
    media.layer.masksToBounds = true
    self.mediaView.insertSubview(media, at: 0)

//Code to add Background image.
//Code written in awakefromnib()

    let mediaPlaceholder = UIImage(named: "nilmedia")
    mediaPlaceholder?.draw(in: self.mediaView.bounds)

    if let image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext(){
        self.mediaView.backgroundColor = UIColor(patternImage: image)
        debugPrint("Image not available")

The result should display images properly.

Just headover to storyboard and select he image view and then go to Attribute inspector set contentView to aspect fill


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