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How to use google maps offline in react native

I'm trying to enable users to use maps offline in my react native App, I'm using react-native-maps

I want to provide the offline mode just for a predefined area (let's say a city), therefore I need to download all the needed tiles which will be a huge number of images, so I wonder if there is a way in the google map API to download an area of the map (like in google map app)?
from the documentation it is possible to enable caching, which I do the same thing (according to the doc) however, In my case I don't want to cache every place that the user go to, as I said I just want to cache/download a predefined area.
react-native-maps support offline navigation for that, I need to use this code :

 <LocalTile pathTemplate={this.state.pathTemplate} tileSize={256}/>

with pathTemplate point to my tiles location which had to have the following hierarchy :


therefore my real probleme is how to get the tiles for my area.
I can do it manually by saving tiles from the google maps tile server , however I don't know if it is legal and also it will take a lot of time and calculation (when zooming in, I need to calculate the coordinated of the next tiles )
so It will be nice, if google map API provide a way to download an area's tile (with needed zoom),
another alternative would be using another map provider like OpenStreetMAp , but here also, I need to find a way to download all tiles at once

At this time the only offline react-native module that supports offline mapping is react-native-mapbox-gl.


This might give you some support.

As Google Maps SDK does not have this implemented, the only offline possibility is to use custom tiles.

If you want do download tales you can use React-native MapBox's SnapShotManager.

Refer to the SnapShotManager docs: https://github.com/react-native-mapbox-gl/maps/blob/master/docs/snapshotManager.md

// creates a temp file png of base map
const uri = await MapboxGL.snapshotManager.takeSnap({
  centerCoordinate: [-74.126410, 40.797968],
  width: width,
  height: height,
  zoomLevel: 12,
  pitch: 30,
  heading: 20,
  styleURL: MapboxGL.StyleURL.Dark,
  writeToDisk: true, // Create a temporary file

// creates base64 png of base map without logo
const uri = await MapboxGL.snapshotManager.takeSnap({
  centerCoordinate: [-74.126410, 40.797968],
  width: width,
  height: height,
  zoomLevel: 12,
  pitch: 30,
  heading: 20,
  styleURL: MapboxGL.StyleURL.Dark,
  withLogo: false, // Disable Mapbox logo (Android only)

// creates snapshot with bounds
const uri = await MapboxGL.snapshotManager.takeSnap({
  bounds: [[-74.126410, 40.797968], [-74.143727, 40.772177]],
  width: width,
  height: height,
  styleURL: MapboxGL.StyleURL.Dark,

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