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Implicit conversion loses integer precision: 'NSInteger' (aka 'long') to 'int'

I'm trying to build a project to distribute this app. But - this application, is too old from far. So, i'm using Xcode 8.3.3 and IOS Sierra.

Instead of this i'm having the problem SistemaCardapio/SistemaCardapioAppDelegate.m:60:28: Implicit conversion loses integer precision: 'NSInteger' (aka 'long') to 'int'

ARC - Desactivated for all build items needed.

I've tried to work on it, doing hand to hand, but is too many items to fix.

int timeOutParaImpressao = 0;
timeOutParaImpressao = [preferencias integerForKey:@"timeout_impressao"];
if (timeOutParaImpressao == 0) {
    NSLog(@"sem timeout pra impressao definido");
    timeOutParaImpressao = 20;
    [preferencias setInteger:timeOutParaImpressao forKey:@"timeout_impressao"];
configuracoes.timeOutImpressao = timeOutParaImpressao;

I Would like to remove this warnings, and compile the project on Xcode.

The warning is pretty clear: timeOutParaImpressao is declared as int which is a 32 bit integer and integerForKey returns a 64 bit integer on 64 bit machines.

Solution: Declare timeOutParaImpressao as NSInteger

NSInteger timeOutParaImpressao = 0;

Take warnings seriously and fix them.

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