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specify random effects in lme4

I would like to ask for your help in specifying the random effects of a model I have been working on in lme4. I have data from a field survey. The objective of the study is to relate wing size (respond variable) with habitat (exploratory variable, categorical variable with 2 levels). We performed a paired design by sampling 50 individuals of 3 species in a simple habitat and the same 3 species (n=50 again) in a complex habitat in a region. We replicated that in 20 regions. I am both interested in the species specific effects and community effects. For running the analyses per species is this model correct?


For community wide effects is this model correct?


Schematic (from on-hold CrossValidated question :

Short Dataset

I would not use Habitat both as fixed effect and group level effect, because then you have a "perfect" correlation between group level and fixed effects. Rather, I would use Habitat only as fixed effect:


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