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I can't get npm start to run

I'm just created a react project using NPM with the npx create-react-app . Afterward, I tried starting the development server and got an error message.

I have tried looking at the error code and log but I am not sure what to do.

The terminal error message is

/Users/selina/Desktop/reactv2/node_modules/chokidar/lib/fsevents-handler.js:28 return (new fsevents(path)).on('fervent', callback).start();

TypeError: fsevents is not a constructor

This may be due to root permission. I had the same issue in MacOS and i solved by sudo npm cache clean --force sudo npm uninstall sudo npm install

Hope this helps.. do it with root user

npx depends on specific npm version there could be some issue in these number mismatch

you can try with npm init

npm init create-app myfirtsproject
cd myfirtsproject
npm start or yarn start

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