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How to detect the current release track inside the android app?(Google Play Console)

I am planning to release my app to beta track before the prod. But I would like to enable in-app-bug reporting only for the beta users. Instead of creating two APKs(enabled in prod beta & disabled in prod), can I know programmatically from which track user has installed the app, is there any API available for that?

what I want to achieve is,

if(app installed from beta track)
  enable in-app-bug reporting
  disable in-app-bug reporting

According to the documentation :

The release name is only for use in Play Console and won't be visible to users.

buildTypes {

    debug {
        buildConfigField "Boolean", "in_app_bug", true

    staging {
        buildConfigField "Boolean", "in_app_bug", true

    release {
        buildConfigField "Boolean", "in_app_bug", false

then in the code:

if(BuildConfig.in_app_bug) {

The same can be done for buildFlavors

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