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Styled Components / React - Style on external element

I'm using Material UI components and MaterialTable and I want to stylish the components using StyledComponents

But I not been having the desired results when I try to apply styles using StyledComponents

CodeSandBox Online Example


import styled from 'styled-components'
import MaterialTable from "material-table";

export const MaterialTableStyled = styled(MaterialTable)`
    tbody > .MuiTableRow-root:first-child {
        background-color: #F1F3F4 !important;

When I use the MaterialTableStyled component no applied the style.

Instead, if I use a div on my StyledComponent:

import styled from 'styled-components'

export const MaterialTableStyled = styled.div`
    tbody > .MuiTableRow-root:first-child {
        background-color: #F1F3F4 !important;

My custom styles work perfecty on that way:

<MaterialTableStyled> // DIV WITH STYLES

...the question is: it's possible "override" or change styles without using the div to change the style?

A component has to pass the className property into their children in order styled function to work.

From a quick look, MaterialTable doesn't do that, as a result styled components can't assign another css class to the table.

Component compatible with styled function

const StyledFriendlyComp = ({className}) => <div className={className}>Styles being applied</div>

Component that won't work with styled function

const StyledFriendlyComp = () => <div>Styles not working</div>

In this cases you need to wrap the component with another element like div.

If you want to style a component directly, you will need to specify a HTML element.

In your case though (if you are only using it to style lower-level components) you could use something like React Context to pass down a prop that the styled-component can consume and utilize to determine the style.

If you explicitly need the prop/value for styled-component usage, you could also use set it as a styled-component transient prop .

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