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Remove users storage folder with firebase cloud functions

When a user deletes their account, I want to remove their storage files along with their data.

I am able to do a multi path delete for the RTDB, how can I do this but also remove files from storage too?

I have tried chaining on a .then but it makes everything fail...


.then(() => {
  const bucket = gcs.bucket(functions.config().firebase.storageBucket);
  const path = `categories/${uid}`;
  return bucket.file(path).delete();

I wish it was faster to test your functions without always deploying because it has taken soooo much time to try making this work...

Here is my working code:

exports.removeUserFromDatabase = functions.auth.user()
  .onDelete(function(user, context) {
    var uid = user.uid;

    const deleteUserData = {};
    deleteUserData[`users/${uid}`] = null;
    deleteUserData[`feed/${uid}`] = null;
    deleteUserData[`friends/${uid}`] = null;
    deleteUserData[`profileThumbs/${uid}`] = null;
    deleteUserData[`hasUnreadMsg/${uid}`] = null;
    deleteUserData[`userChatRooms/${uid}`] = null;
    deleteUserData[`userLikedPosts/${uid}`] = null;
    deleteUserData[`userLikedStrains/${uid}`] = null;

    return admin.database().ref('/friends').orderByChild(`${uid}/uid`).equalTo(uid)
    .once("value").then((friendsSnapshot) => {
      friendsSnapshot.forEach((friendSnapshot) => {
      deleteUserData[`/friends/${friendSnapshot.key}/${uid}`] = null;
    return admin.database().ref().update(deleteUserData)
    .then(() => {
      // const bucket = gcs.bucket(functions.config().firebase.storageBucket);
      const bucket = admin.storage().bucket();
      const path = `categories/${uid}`;
      return bucket.file(path).delete();

I feel like it's because I am not dealing with the promise correctly, I just don't know where this is going wrong.

My code snippet currently works until i chain the .then()


Your current code is not returning anything from the top-level code, meaning it may get terminated at any point while it's writing to the database.

You'll want to return admin.database()... and then chain the additional then() after it.

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