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Ad Close Event For InterstitialAd Xamarin forms

i am implemeting google interstitial ads in my app ads are showing nice and good i just want to get the ad close event for this ad i searched through internet but i did not get any ad close event for this ad here is my code

my interface

public  interface IAdInterstitial
    void ShowAd();
    void LoadInterstitialAd();

my android custom renderer

public class AdInterstitial_Droid : IAdInterstitial
    InterstitialAd interstitialAd;

    public AdInterstitial_Droid()
        interstitialAd = new InterstitialAd(Android.App.Application.Context);

        // TODO: change this id to your admob id  
        interstitialAd.AdUnitId = "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/1033173712";

   public void LoadAd()
        var requestbuilder = new AdRequest.Builder();

    public void ShowAd()
        if (interstitialAd.IsLoaded)


    public void LoadInterstitialAd()
        var requestbuilder = new AdRequest.Builder();

how i can get the ad close event for this ad so that i can do some stuff on ad close

You can create your own AdListener subclass that listens for the OnAdClosed event and than invokes your own action:

Example usage:

public AdInterstitial_Droid()
    interstitialAd = new InterstitialAd(Android.App.Application.Context);
    interstitialAd.AdListener = new MyAdListener(() =>
        // Ad closing, do whatever you need to do

    // TODO: change this id to your admob id  
    interstitialAd.AdUnitId = "xxxxx";

AdListener subclass

public class MyAdListener : AdListener
    Action OnCloseAction;

    public MyAdListener(Action OnCloseAction)
        this.OnCloseAction = OnCloseAction;

    public override void OnAdClosed()

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