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How to make ajax load more content, using button pagination work

I intend to load more videos into a div/page using load more button pagination with ajax, xhr status shows status as ok(200) but no video content is loaded.

videos.php :

<div id="videosline " class="col-md-3 content-grid ">

<?php //code to get first 3 videos working   ?>
<button id="loadvideos" class="btn ">Load More</button>

//ajax jquery code to load in more three videos at every button click

var videoscount = 3;
    videoscount = videoscount + 3;

     sucess: function(data){


loadmore.php :

       include 'master.php';//some php config and db config
       $videosnewcount = 3;
        $condition =  [];

        array_push($condition,['mediatype = ' => ['video/mp4','AND']]);

        $data = find('files',$condition,["ORDER BY " => "id DESC","LIMIT" => $videosnewcount ]); //php function for mysql query

        foreach($data as $video) { ?>

    <?php if($video['mediatype'] == 'video/mp4') { ?>

                <?php include('cards/video.php'); ?>


cards/video.php :

<?php if(explode('/',$video['mediatype'])[0] == 'video') { ?>
    <a href="mediafile.php?id=<?= $video['id']?>&medianame=<?= $video['filename']?>"><div style=" height:;">
<video  controlslist="nodownload"  oncontextmenu="return false;" poster="member/<?= $video['poster'] ?>" style="height:250px; width:100%; " type="video/mp4" class="pr100"  src="member/<?= $video['path'] ?>" > </video</div></a><?php } ?>

I don't know if it matters but in loadmore.php , you are not getting the GET parameter from the Ajax call so I don't know why you are sending it.

What do matters, is that loadmore.php is not echoing any data so your Ajax response should be empty. Also, I can't see that your sending any query to your database. Where is the "SELECT from table WHERE..."?

you have to pass offset for skip already loaded data.

           include 'master.php';//some php config and db config
           $videosnewcount = $_GET["videosnewcount"];
            $condition =  [];

            array_push($condition,['mediatype = ' => ['video/mp4','AND']]);

            $data = find('files',$condition,["ORDER BY " => "id DESC","LIMIT" => 10, "OFFSET" => $videosnewcount ]); //php function for mysql query

            foreach($data as $video) { ?>

        <?php if($video['mediatype'] == 'video/mp4') { ?>

                    <?php include('cards/video.php'); ?>


in JS file

var videoscount = 0;



         sucess: function(data){
            videoscount = videoscount + data.length;


you need add 1 more "c" on your "success"

    data:{'videosnewcount': videoscount},
    success: function(data){

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