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Running a powershell script from C# ends in error

I want to trigger a site design from powershell. It works here but when I try to run it through c# I get this error:

Cannot convert value "param" to type "Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell.SPOSiteDesignPipeBind". Error: "Guid should contain 32 digits with 4 dashes (xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx)

I have tested several versions of the addScript string but none have worked. This is the code I'm trying to run. And it works fine in powershell.

PowerShellInstance.AddScript("Invoke-SPOSiteDesign -Identity param($paramSiteDesignId) -WebUrl param($paramUrl)");
PowerShellInstance.AddParameter("paramSiteDesignId", "176d2af0-1772-41b2-9ad7-acfceefc8851");
PowerShellInstance.AddParameter("paramUrl", "https://TenantName.sharepoint.com/sites/TMVTest13");

Any help pointing me in the right direction is very appreciated.

As you can see on docs.microsoft.com , AddParameter doesn't work by replacing placeholders the way you are doing it, but instead works by adding parameter/value pairs to the given command as parameters.

Your code probably results in something like this:

Invoke-SPOSiteDesign -Identity param($paramSiteDesignId) -WebUrl param($paramUrl) -paramSiteDesignId 176d2af0-1772-41b2-9ad7-acfceefc8851 -paramUrl https://TenantName.sharepoint.com/sites/TMVTest13

According to the documentation, this should do what you want:

PowerShellInstance = PowerShellInstance.AddScript("Invoke-SPOSiteDesign");
PowerShellInstance = PowerShellInstance.AddParameter("Identity", "176d2af0-1772-41b2-9ad7-acfceefc8851");
PowerShellInstance = PowerShellInstance.AddParameter("WebUrl", "https://TenantName.sharepoint.com/sites/TMVTest13");```

I found a way doing it directly in C# with Tenant.ApplySiteDesign. It works great see link for more info https://laurakokkarinen.com/the-ultimate-guide-to-sharepoint-site-designs-and-site-scripts/#applying-site-designs-programmatically

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