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Error while installing project dependency in aurelia js

Hello all I am new to aurelia js . I installed aurelia js through command line using npm install aurelia-cli -g command successfully.

After successful installation , I created one project using command au new , But when I am installing dependencies using command npm install I am getting error as below.

npm ERR! Unexpected end of JSON input while parsing near '...0.1.10"},"devDependen'

Also I tried it after updating node version but nothing works. I am using below version of node and npm in windows

Node : 10.16.3

NPM : 6.9.0

Any help is appreciated.

This sometimes happens with CLI driven generators. Try the following:

npm cache clean --force


npm i aurelia-cli -g

You may need to reinitialise your Aurelia Application after doing this.

To further clarify, if the above doesn't work could you post a link to your package.json in a pastebin?

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