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React - Property does not exist on type IntrinsicAttributes

I'm new to React and am seeing this error which I can't figure how to resolve:

Property classes does not exist on type IntrinsicAttributes .

I have the following code:

class SeriesView extends React.Component<Props> {
    render() {

        return (
            <SeriesDetail classes={this.props.classes} />

And the SeriesDetail is declared as:

const SeriesDetail: React.FC<{}> = () => {
    //This just gets some payload
    const service = useGetSeriesService();

    if (service.status === 'loading') {
        return <div>Loading...</div>
    } else if (service.status === 'loaded') {
        const seriesData = service.payload[0]
        return (
                <h1 className=""> 

    } else if (service.status === 'error') {
        return <div>Oops!</div>
    } else {
        return <div></div>


So its at the point className="" I want to be able to pass in something like classes.clearStyle which is set in props .

Any ideas on how I do this?

Also, being new to React, if there are any other suggestions, I'd really appreciate any guidance.


If you want to have "custom props" on your react components with typescript, you need to define them in the prop types:

interface SeriesDetailProps {
  classes: {
    clearStyle: string;

const SeriesDetail: React.FC<SeriesDetailProps> = (props) => {
 // ...

Only then you can pass these props and have proper type checking. It looks like you have already defined Props for your SeriesView component, so I guess you could adapt them for the SeriesDetail component.

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