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How to retrieve web-token from cookie using express, passport

Can't access token saved to cookies using passport, express and jsonwebtokens.

I'm using passport for authorization and passport-jwt to authentication of web-tokens. I have verified that my server is issuing web-tokens and setting cookies on the browser, but when I attempt to use secure routes it gives me an unauthorized message.

  // fetching from server
  const response = fetch("http://localhost:5000/user/profile");
  app.use(cors({ credentials: true, origin: "http://localhost:3000" }));


    passport.authenticate("login",{session:false},async (err,user)=>{
     req.login(payload,{session:false},async error=>{
       const token = jwt.sign(JSON.stringify(payload),"password"); 
       res.status(200).send({msg:"cookie set!});
  const JWTstrategy = require("passport-jwt").Strategy;
    new JWTstrategy(
       jwtFromeRequest: req=>req.cookies.jwt,
       secretOrKey: "password"
      (jwtPayload, done) => {
         return done(null,jwtPayload);

The server is definitely setting the cookies on the browser to the webtoken, but for some reason I can't retrieve the token from the GET route. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

You need to include the cookies.

  const response = fetch("http://localhost:5000/user/profile", {
      credentials: "include"

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