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React Native hide top navigation from stack navigator

I'm new to RN and I have the following setup.

                const stackNavBudget = createStackNavigator({
                Budget: {screen: Budget,
                    navigationOptions: {
                        header: null,
                Details: {screen: Details},

            //hide bottom nav
            stackNavBudget.navigationOptions = ({ navigation }) => {
                let tabBarVisible = true;
                if (navigation.state.index > 0) {
                    tabBarVisible = false;
                return {
            const TabNavigatorSub = createBottomTabNavigator({
                Budget: {screen:stackNavBudget,
                    navigationOptions: {
                        header: null,
                        tabBarVisible: true,

            const TabNavigatorComp = createAppContainer(TabNavigatorSub);


            const TabNavigator = createMaterialTopTabNavigator({
                Home: OverView,
                Spending: TabNavigatorComp,
                Facilities: Facilities,    
                    tabBarOptions: {
                        scrollEnabled: true

So I am able to hide the bottom navigator when i am in the "Details" screen but i can't hide the main top one. It's like the "tabBarVisible" only has a view of the most immeidiate tab navigator which is the bottom one.

The hierarchy is as follows

Details page  --> Budget --> Bottom Navigator --> Top Navigator  

When i click on an item in the details page. All I would like to see the stack navigator back button.

Not the top navigator options.

There are two ways to hide the headers. You can use headermode in Navigator Settings.

 const stackNavBudget = createStackNavigator({
                Budget: {screen: Budget,
                    navigationOptions: {
                        headerMode: 'none',
                Details: {screen: Details},

Or you can give a price directly to the screen.

class Budget extends React.Component {
  static navigationOptions = {
    header: null,

  /* render function, etc */

try like this

 navigater_page: {
            screen: navigater_page,
            navigationOptions: ({navigation}) => ({
                header: null,

navigater_page = obj of your stacknavigater page which initialise in App.js

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