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React context.provider doesn't change the default value

I'm using react context. First I give to the context default value, and then I give to Context.Provider different value. but the consumer still get the default value

HOC that pass notifications (for now is just a simple string)

export const NotificationContext = React.createContext<string>('default');

function withNotifications<T>(WrappedComponent: React.ComponentType<T>) {

    return class ComponentWithTheme extends React.Component<T, { data: any }> {
        public render() {
            return (
                <NotificationContext.Provider value={'value'}>
                    <WrappedComponent {...this.props as T} />

export default withNotifications;


const Topbar: React.FC<TopbarProps> = props => {
    //const [isNotificationOpen, setIsNotificationOpen] = useState(false);
    //const [unreadCount, setUnreadCount] = useState(0);

    const notificationContext = useContext(NotificationContext);
    useEffect(() => {
    }, Object.values(notificationContext));


    return (
        <div>topBar</div>  );
export default Topbar;

I'm still get the "default" string and not the "value"

Your value to the provider should be an object,

const value = {
 name: "kim"
 <NotificationContext.Provider value={value}>
  <WrappedComponent {...this.props as T} />

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