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C# WPF when image is loaded the width and height are switched

In WPF c# loading an image from code in runtime, some images are loading when the width and height are switched so the width=height and height=width so the image is turned in 90 degrees. In the file system properties tab, the Width and Height are correct and the image is shown correctly. If I open this image in any imageViewer the image is shown correctly but if I open it in powerpoint the same issue is found and the image is turned. I downloaded some other codes in WPF and all are showing the image turned. most images are shown correctly.

For example This Image : https://www.dropbox.com/s/5fki0ew3gt78myi/TestImage_Widht4000_Height6000.JPG?dl=0

The Widht=4000and Height=6000 but if I get the bitmap.PixelWidth=6000 and bitmap.PixelHeight=400

Can anyone please help! Thanks

I have tried everything :(

           var ImagefilePath = SelectedImagePath + "\\" + ((object[])(e.AddedItems))[0].ToString();

            BitmapImage bitmap = new BitmapImage();
            bitmap.UriSource = new Uri(ImagefilePath.ToString(), UriKind.Absolute);


            // Set Image.Source  
            imgPhoto.Source = bitmap;

            ImageInfoText.Content=" W=" + bitmap.PixelWidth + " H=" + bitmap.PixelHeight;

It is most probably the metadata within the image itself. You need to get rid of the metadata and that should fix your problem.

Here is a similar issue : WPF some images are rotated when loaded

Here is how you can remove metadata: Easy way to clean metadata from an image?

The preferable way would be to use the System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapEncoder class's Metadata collection property.

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