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Does an AWS VPC Endpoint Interface require an Internet Gateway

I'm trying to connect the following services to a VPC with a public and private subnet.
Any traffic should not traverse the public internet.


  • sqs.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com
  • ssm.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com
  • logs.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com

Reading through Interface VPC Endpoints (AWS PrivateLink) , there is no mention of an IGW (Internet Gateway).

However, reading through Tutorial: Sending a Message ... , an IGW is provisioned and a route from the subnet where the EC2 instance is.

  • When I don't provision an IGW, no services work.
  • When I do provision and IGW, SSM works, but not SQS or CloudWatch.


  1. Is an IGW required?
  2. What is the required routing or setup for an service endpoint such as these?

I've checked the below:

  • Policy: Full Access
  • Subnets: Private, Public
  • Routing: Public subnet has routed to IGW
  • Tested IGW route in private subnet

Any help or pointers are appreciated.

Ok, so the correct answer is that an IGW is not required for the service endpoints to work.
However, not all commands work, the below commands can be used for testing.


aws sqs send-message --region {region} --endpoint-url https://sqs.{region}.amazonaws.com/ --queue-url https://sqs.{region}.amazonaws.com/{queue_id}/{queue_name} --message-body "Test"


aws ssm get-parameter --name {test-param-name}

CloudWatch Logs

aws logs describe-log-streams --log-group-name {test_log_group_name}

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