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How to change text size from pixels to vw in this code?

Is there any easy way to change text size from pixels to vw in this code?

Tried in css - no results.

const elem = document.querySelector("div");
const textEl = elem.querySelector("p");
const createBlotterText = () => {
const text = new Blotter.Text(textEl.innerHTML, {
family: "sans-serif",
weight: 700,
size: 100,
paddingLeft: 100,
paddingRight: 100,
paddingTop: 100,
paddingBottom: 100,
fill: "white"


Use this code for size, size code mentioned inside * mark. This code help you to convert px to vw.

const createBlotterText = () => {
const text = new Blotter.Text(textEl.innerHTML, {
  family: "sans-serif",
  weight: 700,
  *size: 100vw/500px,*
  paddingLeft: 100,
  paddingRight: 100,
  paddingTop: 100,
  paddingBottom: 100,
  fill: "white"

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