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Presenting a new view controller and then dismissing it, calls init() on the parent view controller

I am finding a very weird behaviour on my app, the structure of the view controllers is the following:

TabBarViewController contains:

- NavigationController(root is HomeViewController)
- NavigationController(root is SearchViewController)
- NavigationController(root is ProfileViewController)

When I am in HomeViewController, I present modally PremiumViewController

@objc func premiumTapped() {
    let premiumViewController = PremiumViewController(viewModel: PremiumViewModel(networkService: NetworkService(), purchasesService: PurchasesService.shared))
    navigationController?.present(premiumViewController, animated: true, completion: nil)

All fine until here.

Now I dismiss PremiumViewController.

dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)

What happens is that HomeViewController calles it's init() and viewDidLoad() !

How is this possible? HomeViewController has been existing all this time, so why it calls init again?

Thanks to @rmaddy I found the issue.

To find it out, I put a breakpoint in the init() function that was called all the time. I found out that who was calling it was viewWillAppear() from the TabbarViewController .

The issue was that I initialise the tabbar view controller on the viewWillAppear() rather than on viewDidLoad() , which made recreate all the tab controllers every time one of the views appeared.

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