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How to change property of indivudal buttons in vuetify data-table?

I have a vuetify data-table which renders the data received from axios call.

On the last column I'm using template v-slot for bespoke column so I can add two buttons. v-btn accepts has two props for loading state as per the documentation https://vuetifyjs.com/en/components/buttons#loaders :

  • :loading
  • :disabled

The problem is that when I call a function that changes those values, all of the buttons in the data table are receiving the prop state so instead of 1 button displying loader, all of them are.

<v-row no-gutters>      
                :loading="loading" loading-text="Loading... Please wait"

                <template v-slot:item.action="{ item }">
                    <v-btn color="success" @click="createPacks(item)" :loading="createloading" :disabled="createloading">Create</v-btn>
                    <v-btn color="error" @click="excludeRequest(item)" :loading="cancelloading" :disabled="cancelloading">Cancel</v-btn>     

I'm aware this is because the buttons in the DOM are not unique and the framework is calling all of them but I have no idea how to change that default behaviour.


export default {
    data() {
        return {
            loading: null,
            error: null,
            tableHeaders: [
                    text: 'ID',
                    value: 'req_id',
                    align: 'center',
                { text: 'Template', value: 'templateConcatenated'},
                { text: 'No of batches', value: 'no_batches' },
                { text: 'Batch size', value: 'batch_size' },
                { text: 'Date requested', value: 'requested_at' },
                { text: 'Requested by', value: 'requester' },
                { text: 'Actions', value: 'action', sortable: false, align: 'center'},

            createloading: false,
            cancelloading: false,
            successmessage: '',
            errormessage: '',

    methods: {

        createPacks(item) {
            this.loading = true;
            this.createloading = true;
            let page_url = '/api/CreateProcedure?api_token='+this.$api_token;
                .post(page_url, item)
                .then((response) => {
                    this.loading = false;

                    this.error = null;
                    this.createloading = false;
                    this.successmessage = 'Packs created successfully!';
                    this.errormessage = null;
                .catch(err => {
                    this.createloading = false;
                    this.successmessage = null;
                    this.errormessage = 'Error creating the packs: '+err;
                    console.log("error: "+err);


Any idea how to call each individual button to change it's state?

Thank you

You've to set the loading properties on the item itself instead of defining them globally:

createPacks(item) {
        this.loading = true;
        item.createloading = true;
        let page_url = '/api/CreateProcedure?api_token='+this.$api_token;
            .post(page_url, item)
            .then((response) => {
                this.loading = false;

                this.error = null;
                item.createloading = false;
                this.successmessage = 'Packs created successfully!';
                this.errormessage = null;
            .catch(err => {
                item.createloading = false;
                this.successmessage = null;
                this.errormessage = 'Error creating the packs: '+err;
                console.log("error: "+err);

== UPDATE ==

I added a code based on the codepen you added in the comments, you have to use item.createloasing also in the HTML else it is not working. https://codepen.io/reijnemans/pen/LYPerLg?editors=1010

Currently only one button is working at the same time but this is probably because of axios is not defined in the codepen.

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